Links I love

Links that inspire, humor and invoke intense feelings of jealousy...

Awkward Family Photos- I could so submit some of my family photos.

Angry Chicken- Amy Karol of "Bend-The-Rules Sewing" fame has great sewing projects and fabulous crafting ideas.

Ask And Ye Shall Receive- A Quixotic quest to improve the quality of the blogosphere.

The Bitch Sessions. More snark. I love snark.

Cakewrecks- When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong. The king of pranks and weird experiments.

Confessions of a Renegade Mom- so not mommybloggers.

Emails From Crazy People- I think some of the People from Walmart wrote these.

How About Orange- Jessica Jones designer extrodinaire. And fellow orange lover.

I Can Has Cheeseburger- LOL cats cheer me up. Also, check out the World of Cheeseburger!

Mental Floss- Where knowledge junkies get their fix.

Neatorama- Trolling the internets to keep us amused.

Passive Agressive Notes- More craziness. I think some of these people work in my office.

People of Walmart- Be afraid. These people might live in YOUR town.

Scouting NY- A location scout with a good eye for the unusual in NY.

Sew Mama Sew- Sewing tips, contests, reviews and inspiration.

Super Eggplant- Adventures in knitting, sewing, baking and life.

The Sneeze- Half zine. Half blog. Half not good with fractions.

WaiterRant- Do you want pommes frites with that?

Woot- One item a day.

Zakka Life- One crafty lady.



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