NaBloPoMo for August

It's a sad, sad day in my household today. July 31st marks the EXACT halfway point of summer. Zombiegirl is panicking. More reading! More swimming! More soccer! There's only a month left of freedom! Argh!

Right now the rest of us are gearing up for our "Third Annual Soccer Family Camping Trip." Planning, shopping, cleaning out the BINS. Emails a-flying. It's going to be fun, but time is going to fly before the trip. Afterwards we'll be prepping for the first day back at school. Pretty much say bye-bye to August then, okay?

So since I have all these ideas flying around in my head, and pictures that need to be posted, and restaurant reviews to be written, I decided to follow the lead of a few of my favorite bloggers and NABLOPOMO!

WTF? Is that a secret sex society? A dreaded disease?

Nope. Just an incentive to get off my ass.

National Blog Posting Month. Post every day for a month. You can pick any month, and as Nike said, just do it. So I picked August. Thirty-one posts. And then brain-damage. Remember me trying the 30-days to change habits? Uh-huh. I did SO well (eye roll!) I'm going to stick to this, however. I have tons of bloggy drafts that I can finish and it's summer- I can always post pictures of the beach. But who'll blog while I'm camping, you ask? I'm lining up some guest bloggers, and Beena's going to help me out and post stuff while I'm gone. Maybe, they'll be WiFi in the woods of Little Pond...

NaBloPoMo's website also suggests themes for the month you're going to participate in. August's theme is "Tomorrow." So I'll try to work that into my blog posts.

Should be interesting. I have a big craft sale in the Hampton's on the 22nd, so I'll also be sewing like a madwoman. If I run out of blog ideas, I'll fill you in on what I'm sewing. I know, I know- interesting! NOT! At least it's a post!

I'm also working on my church's website this month to get it ready to kick off in September. See? I have oodles of inspiration to draw from!

Stay tuned!


beena said...

helping? news to me- lol im kidding- im just not guest posting.

Mamasoo said...

Oh, yeah- I didn't tell you? lol!
I'm trying to scare up some guest posters. And I think you should post something- you've got good ideas, and you're a good writer! Write about life in retail!


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